Wateraid: Best Seat In the House

When many of us think about a toilet we hardly think of it as a luxury item. But for 1.7 billion people – that's 1 in 5 people in the world, a decent toilet is out of reach. Without decent toilets, girls and women are particularly affected. Their safety, hygiene and dignity are all compromised. When girls don’t have decent toilets in schools, they’re forced to stay home when they’re on their periods, missing out on their education and future career prospects. It’s almost impossible to have your period hygienically without a decent loo.

For World Toilet Day 2021, we took this opportunity to raise awareness of the millions of people who go without this human right every day - to elevate the status of the humble loo and celebrate toilets for the lifesavers they are.

For more information on WaterAid and World Toilet Day visit: wateraid.org

Public Offerings Ltd.

Here at Public Offerings Ltd. we’re in love with photography, but we know it doesn’t exist in a vacuum. So we’re always excited to bring our photography and art direction to the wider art world. We’re proud to share Best Seat in the House, a charity project for WaterAid - art directed by our team and photographed by members of the Public Offerings community for an incredible cause.

In the News:


HUNGER: Guest Editor


Photo London: Amanda Rowan In Conversation